TIME: Quinceañeras and family members must arrive at least 30 minutes before mass.
CONFESSIONS: Quinceañera must be confessed to be ready to receive the Body of Christ. You can click here for our parish's confession schedule.
PHOTOGRAPHY: If you have photography, photographers will only be allowed on indicated areas.
MASS REHEARSAL: You will receive a call from our coodinator a week before to set up a rehearsal for your mass. Who comes to the rehearsal? The quinceañera, parents/guardians, sponsors(padrinos) who are part of the mass, companions (chambelanes and damas) and two designated readers.
READINGS: You must choose two people to read for the mass. One person will read the first reading and the other person will read the responsorial psalm. You can download the readings here. SPANISH | ENGLISH
MUSIC: Mariachis are allowed for the mass. If you will not have a mariachi you are welcomed to contact one of our parish's choirs for their availabilities.
TIME: Quinceañeras and family members must arrive at least 30 minutes before mass.
CONFESSIONS: Quinceañera must be confessed to be ready to receive the Body of Christ. You can click here for our parish's confession schedule.
PHOTOGRAPHY: If you have photography, photographers will only be allowed on indicated areas.
MASS REHEARSAL: You will receive a call from our coodinator a week before to set up a rehearsal for your mass. Who comes to the rehearsal? The quinceañera, parents/guardians, sponsors(padrinos) who are part of the mass, companions (chambelanes and damas) and two designated readers.
READINGS: You must choose two people to read for the mass. One person will read the first reading and the other person will read the responsorial psalm. You can download the readings here. SPANISH | ENGLISH
MUSIC: Mariachis are allowed for the mass. If you will not have a mariachi you are welcomed to contact one of our parish's choirs for their availabilities.